I have a list a mile long of things to do before we go to Florida tomorrow morning and yet I am still finding time to post on my blog. Procratinating???? Probably.
I have managed to go to lunch, go to a garage sale, watch Game Show Network for an hour, talk on the phone for an hour (or maybe longer if you compile all of the conversations I have had today), get into a quick (and pointless) argument with my husband, look at blogs, check my email, buy a recliner for the nursery and now post on my blog. NONE of these things were on my list! So here I sit, posting on my blog while the minutes go by and I STILL have a mile long list of things to accomplish. I should probably get to it, but for some reason, I am not feeling very motivated. I wish my bag would pack itself, my clothes would wash themselves, my house would clean itself, my rent would pay itself and my list would disappear. Then I would have plenty of time to shop, go to lunch, watch Game Show Network and play on my computer!!! :) What a dream world that would be! I had better go work on my list...
On a brighter note, I think our EXTREMELY loud, annoying, obnoxious neighbors (who live directly below us) who spend there evenings yelling and partying outside and shooting off fire crackers got evicted!!!! I am not sure, but all of their stuff was being moved out onto the lawn by our management this morning and is still just sitting there, and they can't be moving out already because they just moved in about 2 months ago. Cross your fingers for us...their noisiness wasn't going to be the most convenient with a new baby. We will find out for sure when we return from Florida I'm sure.
I will try to post from Florida, but may be too busy basking in the sun! :)