Monday, November 01, 2010

So I was thinking...

...that I need to plan my November menu since tomorrow is well, November!
...that I can't believe it's already November!
...that it would be fun to marry Sean know, just to have another wedding. :)
...that I may need to do something about this "sleeping issue" I have.
...that winning the lottery would be really awesome right now.
...that we need to be taking Sean's car to "the shop" to get lots of things fixed. Hence the comment above.
...that I may need my sister to take some family pictures of us sometime soon.
...that I wish I had a dishwasher.
...that my cousin's new baby is seriously one of the most gorgeous baby boys I've ever seen!
...that I just put my summer clothes away and now am heading to Florida in a few weeks and will have to dig them back out.
...that I might sneak some Halloween candy out of Tate's trick-or-treating bag.
...that I hope the weather is dry these next 2 Sundays for the family photos I have scheduled.
...that sushi sounds really good lately.
...that I really need to go to bed and try to get some sleep!

Yup, those are the random things that go through my head.
Good Night!


Sara Bark said...

How about a double wedding? I could use some new stuff and register again, and now I know how I'd do my wedding if I had a do-over! (Also the lottery sounds REALLY good!!)

Cara Hoherd said...

Thank you- we think he's pretty stinkin' cute too :)