Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Potty Training Update

It's gone extremely well.
No accidents whatsoever!
He peed this morning around 9:30 and then didn't go again until about 4:45!
Until that 4:45 potty time, he had only gone on the little training potty, but that time he wanted to go on the BIG he did!
He went over 7 hours without going!
Man can he hold it!
Then, we decided that we really needed to work on him pooping.
I bought him a plastic sword at the dollar store and brought it home and told him he could have it if he pooped on the potty.
He immediately said he had to poop and went and sat on the potty.
He sat on it for about an hour and then exclaimed, "I POOPED!"
And he had!
So he now has a sword that he calls his "willy big knife!"...oh geez.
We put him in a pull up for sleeping at night, but otherwise, he is proud to wear his big boy underpants.
We are SO SO SO proud of him!!!
We still have a lot of work to do, we know. He sits on the potty for a long time usually before going. Sometimes for an hour! That's something that we definitely need to work on...helping him understand that when he feels like he has to go, he can go sit on the potty, do his business and be done.
That's what we'll be working on in the next couple of days!


Candi said...

What an accomplishment in just a couple days!!! Way to "go" Tate!! ;- )

Our Journey Without Naps said...


Beckysblog said...

That is so great!!!!