Thursday, April 01, 2010

it comes in waves

Productivity that is. Yesterday was a bad day in that category. It was just a bad day all around. Tate is being defiant. He is struggling still. He keeps saying, "I want to go home" or "this isn't my home." It is heart breaking. He is being quite the stinker too. He is sick to top it all off. Ugh.

Today though has been VERY productive! Woohoo! I've got the upstairs bathroom put together and organized, Tate's room is complete (aside from things hung on the walls), the downstairs bathroom is almost put together and the dishes are done. I may go run some errands still this afternoon, but aside from that, I am thinking I might be done for the day and the rest of the afternoon/evening will be spent spending time playing with Tate. I think that may help with his behavior. He just hasn't been getting a whole lot of attention from us I'm sad to say because of all of the activity with the move.

I need to post pictures, but just don't want to post any until the house doesn't have boxes and Rubbermaid bins sitting all over. I think I have some random pictures from the last week or two on my camera though so I promise to post some soon...probably tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

sarak said...

Hope Tate settles in soon! Unpacking is such a CHORE!
On a happy note..we are showing our house twice on Saturday..cross your fingers.
Talk to you soon hopefully!