Monday, March 15, 2010

in between

I'm working, but not working. The minutes and hours are creeping by. Ugh. My stomach bug I had last week is still having some lingering affects on me. I feel fine, but when I eat something, I feel a bit queesy afterwards...just not feeling 100%. It's supposed to be mid 50's today though so that's great! If only I wasn't stuck inside in front of a computer with pretty much nothing to do! This daylight savings stuff is messing with me too! I stayed up until 1AM last night/this morning! Then, it was still dark when I woke up which made me not want to roll out of bed.

I hate this in between feeling. I don't want to be here at work doing nothing and watching the minutes tick by, but I don't want to be at home where I am surrounded by a sea of boxes and chaos either. I just want to be moved and for all of this to be over. I want the goodbyes to everyone here that I love and the goodbye to my job that I love to be over. Once I am done with all of that, I'll be good. I'll be relieved and ready to start this new chapter. Until then, it's just this in between phase that I am living and not enjoying at all!

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