Sunday, March 14, 2010

We have the windows open...

And the house is probably 3/4 of the way packed up! It feels SO GOOD! It smells like spring and Tate keeps saying he wants to move to "Dabenport". I'm ready too! I am not going to enjoy living amidst boxes and chaos these next couple of weeks. I have 4 days of work left and they are jam packed full of things to do that are not work related. I have lunch plans, a send off party, packing up my desk and probably a lot of nothing else! Ha. At least I won't be there feeling like I should be home packing because our house is pretty much packed. :) That is going to be the hardest part about moving...saying goodbye to everyone there that I spend all my days with. Also, I really have loved my job and it is tough to know that I am leaving it. Hopefully I find something I like just as well.

We still have much of the evening left to do a little bit more packing and then we will just relax. Sean is home for a couple more days, so that's good. So today has been a good day. :)

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