Tate's favorite thing to do in the room was look at himself in the mirror. He laughed at himself, talked to himself, made faces at himself. It was pretty funny...and cute.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Como Zoo
It was free!
Admission by voluntary donation.
And amazing.
And fun.
Can't believe it was free!
Tate loved all the primates and LOVED the tiger! He has lately been a fan of tigers. It's pretty cute.
A fun weekend...
We arrived at the hotel/water park around 5 pm on Friday. We checked in to our room and immediately headed to the water park. Tate was a little nervous...there was lots of noise, water shooting unexpectedly out of random places, kids running around screaming...you know, the usual water park stuff. Tate tends to get scared easily though, so he didn't like it very much at first. Sean was like a kid in the candy store though going down the super huge, fast waterslides. Tate warmed up to the water park on Saturday and had a great time. Sorry for the lack of pictures...I was scared my camera would get wet or stolen, so I didn't get it back out or bring it back the next day.
It was a HUGE water park. We spent most of our time on one of the 6 waterslides, in the lazy river or just in the zero depth pool splashing and playing.
It was a HUGE water park. We spent most of our time on one of the 6 waterslides, in the lazy river or just in the zero depth pool splashing and playing.
This is my husband...
We're in Minneapolis, leaving our hotel to go get some lunch and then go to the zoo.
Jennie: "Honey, let's go somewhere fun and different for lunch."
Sean: "What do you mean?"
Jennie: "Well, you know...some place that we can't go to in Des Moines."
Sean: "Um, okay...I was actually thinking we should just go somewhere fast so that we can get to the zoo quicker."
Jennie: "Oh, I guess we could do that too."
After having driven around for quite some time, Sean sees a White Castle in the distance...
Sean: "OH LOOK White Castle, I've never had White Castle before!!!"
Jennie: "I guess that's fine."
After eating our gourmet White Castles (Sean ate 6...and fries....and chicken rings)...
Sean: "See honey, I think this satisfied both of us!"
Um, ya, not so much!
Jennie: "Honey, let's go somewhere fun and different for lunch."
Sean: "What do you mean?"
Jennie: "Well, you know...some place that we can't go to in Des Moines."
Sean: "Um, okay...I was actually thinking we should just go somewhere fast so that we can get to the zoo quicker."
Jennie: "Oh, I guess we could do that too."
After having driven around for quite some time, Sean sees a White Castle in the distance...
Sean: "OH LOOK White Castle, I've never had White Castle before!!!"
Jennie: "I guess that's fine."
After eating our gourmet White Castles (Sean ate 6...and fries....and chicken rings)...
Sean: "See honey, I think this satisfied both of us!"
Um, ya, not so much!
Friday, April 24, 2009
And We're Off!
I am off work in 15 minutes. Sean and Tate will be picking me up and we'll leave right from here.
I. am. so. excited!!!!!
Tate and I are both not 100% as far as our health goes, but something tells me that a fun family weekend and an exciting water park will overshadow any congestion and coughing we have! At least I hope so! Tate's been doing much better at night than me. I have had a rough time sleeping without having cough fits. No fun.
I have butterflies just thinking about a whole weekend of family fun!
No work. No school. No stress.
Much needed.
Can't wait to post all about it and show you lots of fun pictures when we return!
Have a great weekend!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Just Can't Shake It
This cold that is. I came down with a fever last night and just felt terrible. I went to bed early, hardly slept, woke up feeling equally as miserable and just want to curl up in a ball and sleep. I am attempting to make it through the work day. It may be hard.
I just want to feel better for our fun, family weekend! And poor Tater isn't well either. He has such an awful cough, but at least the fever has managed to stay away. Whew!
I just want to feel better for our fun, family weekend! And poor Tater isn't well either. He has such an awful cough, but at least the fever has managed to stay away. Whew!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Catch Up
My "Girls Weekend" was fabulous. The concert was amazing, we had great conversation and stayed up WAY too late. I am sick. I felt TERRIBLE on the drive home and when I got home, I slept all afternoon and evening. I was feeling pretty awful! Then, Tate caught the bug. UGH! He has a terrible cough and is just not feeling well at all. He has been waking up coughing so bad and choking on phlegm. It's so sad. And we are TIRED!
It's been tough for us this past few days. I am not going to elaborate. None of use are feeling well...emotionally, mentally, physically. We would appreciate prayer.
We need some family time. We've never gotten it before. Ever! Since Tate was born, we have not once gone some place just the 3 of us, alone, for no reason. We are getting it this weekend. We're taking a weekend trip...alone! I CANNOT WAIT!!!!
It's been tough for us this past few days. I am not going to elaborate. None of use are feeling well...emotionally, mentally, physically. We would appreciate prayer.
We need some family time. We've never gotten it before. Ever! Since Tate was born, we have not once gone some place just the 3 of us, alone, for no reason. We are getting it this weekend. We're taking a weekend trip...alone! I CANNOT WAIT!!!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
Even Mommies! SO, I am leaving for my "girls weekend" in 3 hours!!! Sara, Gretchen (who I've never met in "real life" yet, but am blog friends with) and I will be going to dinner, the Mercy Me concert and then back to Gretchen's in Cedar Rapids for a sleepover! It won't officially be a girls weekend in 3 hours though because Tate will be with us for the drive to Cedar Rapids. I will then drop him off for a day and night of fun with his Aunt Sara, Uncle Travis and cousin Tyler. Then MY girls weekend begins! Sean will be staying home and studying all weekend because he has his finals next week! So here's to a good night with the girls!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
A little outdoor activity...
We played a little golf, a little baseball and a little Tag. When Brigg hit a long one, Sean decided he'd make a diving catch...right into a thorn bush. Seriously. He couldn't get out, he got all scratched up by thorns and the whole thing was just a little too dramatic for a back yard baseball game. And funny...it was funny.
Tate's1st time dying eggs...
Nana and Papa with their Grandkids...
The Easter Bunny Visited!
All the kids were so excited...all except for Tate. He was scared of the Easter Bunny. He did okay though. He insisted on Sean holding him the whole time though, so no pictures were able to be taken of just all the kids and the Easter Bunny. Oh well...maybe next year. I got some cute ones of the other kids with the Easter Bunny though!
Happy 1st Birthday, Kayla!!!
Kayla's Birthday Party
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