Sunday, April 26, 2009

This is my husband...

We're in Minneapolis, leaving our hotel to go get some lunch and then go to the zoo.

Jennie: "Honey, let's go somewhere fun and different for lunch."

Sean: "What do you mean?"

Jennie: "Well, you know...some place that we can't go to in Des Moines."

Sean: "Um, okay...I was actually thinking we should just go somewhere fast so that we can get to the zoo quicker."

Jennie: "Oh, I guess we could do that too."

After having driven around for quite some time, Sean sees a White Castle in the distance...

Sean: "OH LOOK White Castle, I've never had White Castle before!!!"

Jennie: "I guess that's fine."

After eating our gourmet White Castles (Sean ate 6...and fries....and chicken rings)...

Sean: "See honey, I think this satisfied both of us!"

Um, ya, not so much!

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