Thursday, December 06, 2007


So I found my snow boots! Because I couldn't find them, I was not going to leave the house today, but when I found them I changed my mind. I decided to head out and get some things checked off of my list. This may have not been the smartest thing I have ever done. I fell in our driveway...twice. I am glad that neither time was I holding Tate. At that point you'd think I would have said, "forget it" and headed back inside. Nope...I had made the decision to head out and I was not changing my mind. About halfway to Valley West Mall I realized that I really should have just stayed home. The roads were terrible! I drove about 15 or 20 mph the whole way there and got there safely. I didn't feel like the best mother in the world as I carted my child in the stroller into the mall as most people were leaving. I will say though that the mall was quite dead and I got my shopping done peacefully. :) The roads were actually better on the way home than they were on the way there. I was relieved. But I couldn't complete my day without falling one more time. Yup, I did it again. I was trying to be SO careful, but I must just be a klutz. Anyway, I hurt my leg, I'm sure I'll have a bruise to whine about...nothing serious. Tate is fine and thought the snow was very entertaining.

When we got home, we ate supper and played in the living room. Tate started being able to get into the standing position from sitting all by himself tonight without the help of holding onto anything. Then, he walked 4 steps, stopped and walked 4 more! It was actually a pretty big deal because he's never walked that much and with that much control. I wonder if he'll be walking by Christmas?! Who knows! :)

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