Friday, November 16, 2007

10 Things I Desperately Need...

1. To do about 8 loads of laundry

2. To get a full nights sleep at least once a week

3. To throw away our rotting pumpkins sitting on the front porch

4. To dust my house

5. To somehow make my left eye stop twitching!

6. Some quality time with my husband

7. Some quality time with my son and husband at the same time

8. To get my oil changed in my car

9. To clean out my car

10. To organize this desk I am sitting in front of

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I vote for the oil change to be FIRST on your list.... can't afford to ruin your vehicle!! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only because I know of someone else who neglected that once...hmmm, wonder who that might have been?!? :- ) NOT ME, by the way...