Saturday, December 02, 2006

Parallel Play

Here are a couple of pics from Chris's band's show tonight. It was a GREAT show with a huge crowd! Everyone danced and had so much fun. Tate was on my mind all night, but I managed to have a great time and so did Sean. It was our first evening away from Tate and we couldn't have chosen a better way to spend it! Posted by Picasa


Chris/Stew; Brenda said...


Cassie said...

glad you decided to go! looks like a blast!

Anonymous said...

That's funny because Livi had her first babysitter last night too! Ryan and I had to go list a house and Mom had a hair appointment. It was only for an hour and a half, but I still called the neighbors to see if they would be home, just in case! :) gale

Anonymous said...

Looked like a good time was had by "ALL" Wished I was there too!!