Monday, December 11, 2006

Our Christmas Gift!

Sean and I bought a video camera today for Christmas for each other! I am soooo excited to get it charged up and use it! Hopefully I won't be as nuts with it as I am with my camera. Tate is going to be so sick of having cameras constantly in his face! :)


Anonymous said...

Ya, I wonder how you'll find time to "do" anything else now!!! HA!! This may not end up being such a great buy!! :-) We'll enjoy seeing him in action though!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Tate is growing up so much! He's so cute. We really need to chat sometime.:)

Anonymous said...

You're totally right. These babies are like movie stars with poparazi in the faces all day long. I just developed 150 pictures of Ava yesterday just from her 4 days her with us. Crazy!!!That's great that you will be videotaping little Tate. The memories are going to be wonderful to watch in future years. I showed Ava a picture of Tate on the computer and she winked at him. I don't know Jeanie...we have something here.