Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I have a list a mile long of things that I need to buy, do, clean, bake, wrap and wash. Yet, I would much rather lay on the floor and play with Tate...nothing else, but enjoy him. I feel like every since he arrived, it has been so busy! I keep telling myself that things will calm down after the holidays and I won't have so many items on my list. Time is just flying by! I know that he's only 10 weeks old, but I feel like he's only been here 3 weeks! Where did those 7 weeks go??? I don't want to miss a second of his life. I don't want to miss a single smile, laugh or cry. I am feeling terrible that he has spent hours and hours in his carseat these last few weeks while I have to lug him out into the cold to run my errands. He doesn't seem to mind it because he sleeps and sleeps in his carseat, but when I have days when I am at home, he doesn't sleep as much and I am able to play with him and enjoy him so much more! He makes so many other things in life seem less important. This is good in many ways because he has put things into perspective for me, but bad in that I do have other things in life that I have to continue to do! I guess I am just feeling a bit torn today...torn between my list and my son. I am tired and looking forward to celebrating the holidays and being done with preparing for them!

"I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much"
- Mother Teresa


Chris/Stew; Brenda said...

If it makes you feel better, I haven't figured it out yet either. In fact, I'm pretty sure I don't know a single mother who's life is not ridden with guilt. How can I work, how can I stay home, how do miss out on one second of his life, how do I get 1 second of my own(which is also important)???
I think we are all torn...

Jennie Peakin said...

Well, at least I am not alone. Although, that's sad that we have to feel that way and also a sure sign that this isn't going to get better after the Holidays like I keep telling myself!

Cassie said...

forget the lists. simple.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Cassie! You are so sweet Jennie. Everytime I think of you and am so happy that you have Tate! You are a wonderful mother. Always remember that.

Love ya..

Anonymous said...

What's my excuse?! Ha!!