We sold the dishwasher we took out of our kitchen tonight! This beauty sold for a whoppin' $100...I'll take it!
I mailed 4 disks and hand delivered 2 today of photosessions I completed! Woohoo!
Now I just have this session to complete and I'll be all caught up!
This is our baby's Physical Therapist, Andrea and her family.
We love her.

We also loved Tate's long hair.
I kinda really don't like his short hair...can't wait until it grows back...I miss it and terribly regret cutting it.
Tate misses it too.
This picture makes me sad...

We did those muffin tin suppers for the kids last weekend when DeCooks were over.
It was a hit...the kids loved it.
I usually do this for Tate over lunch time, but making a picnic on our empty livingroom floor for all of the kids with their muffin tins was pretty fun for them. :)

My sister in law, niece and nephew came to visit this last Saturday night. It was nice to chat and catch up...it had been way too long. Mike, Sarah and family also came over. I also had the Burback kids at the same time. That made for 10 kids and 5 adults in our house. Nuts...and fun. :)
Abby in her adorable rainbow skirt...
and looking back...you may want to check this out and prepare BEFORE the first day of school...
OH MY GOODNESS... the pics are adorable AND I have to agree...the pic of Sophia, GORGEOUSLY sweet!! Yes, you better start prompting Tate... ; )!! OH DEAR!!!!!!!! Where does the time go?? Sigh!
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