Thursday, February 02, 2012

a creative storage solution...

I need one.
This is the top of our fridge...

We have a mesh shoe rack that we hang inside a door in our kitchen to use as storage and it is wonderful. Creates a ton of convenient storage space without taking up lots of space. Our kitchen is TINY. I need to get creative here. This "storing everything on top of our fridge" method will not do. Hmmmm...


Heidi Moran said...

does IKEA have anything.... I just love their stuff!

Krista J. said...

My saving grace has always been Tupperware modular mates. Pricy but I know they have the same type of idea in the stores of other brands too.

Our Journey Without Naps said...

Hide it with Baskets! Go to Michaels on Sunday with their coupons from the Sunday paper. Buy two big pretty baskets and hide your kitchen goods. =)