Sunday, September 25, 2011

7 year anniversary...

Today, Sean and I have been married for 7 years!

Have you heard of the 7 year itch? It's not true for us! We are at the best place in our marriage that we've probably ever been at. It's taken a long time and this marriage (as is any marriage) is constant work. We bicker and argue and fight and sometimes yell at each other. We drive each other crazy and disagree on so many things. I talked about our marriage the other day on this blog a's a snipit of what I said...

"It's taken (almost) 7 years of marriage to learn how to work together during the good and the bad. There were times when our reactions to things just made our situations seem worse and our arguments prolonged, but those difficult times have definitely taught us what not to do and what things work to make us a stronger unit. We've learned to pick our battles and most importantly learned that to change things, we need to change OURSELVES. We cannot change each other...especially not by telling the other one that they need to change. I remember a time when I felt that when things were rough, Sean was the one that needed to do all the changing. I was right and he wasn't. Period. And I would tell him that! I would tell him all of the things he needed to change. My how that has changed! Turns out I needed to change just as much as he did...maybe even more! And in learning that my reactions to things will change his actions, our marriage has changed immensely. It's been hard and continues to be and we both have so much more to learn."

Sean and I love each other more everyday and are committed to a lifetime together. And honestly, I cannot imagine doing life with anyone else in the world! I can't imagine growing my family with anyone else in this world!

We disagree on many things, but enjoy even MORE things together...

We've been through a lot together, from infertility to several moves to career changes to financial struggles to family deaths and much more. We have made it through a lot and know that we will have much much more to go through in this life together. We know that as long as we have each other, we can get through so much.

Let's take a look back to 7 years ago today...

I cannot believe how these little ones have grown!!!

Me and my girls.

From left to right...Jessica, Kay, Cassie, Me, Sara and Brenda...

Sean and his boys.

From left to right...Travis, Eric, Chris, Dale, Mike all holding my groom. :)

I love you, babe.

Happy Anniversary...can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!

1 comment:

Candi said...

HAPPY 7th GUYS !!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!