Tuesday, April 26, 2011

lots accomplished

There's just not a whole lot that makes me feel better than having my calendar for the month completed. I just got done with May. May looks to be a good month! Lots going on...lots of fun things and lots of things to keep me motivated. My May calendar spilled over into the first week of June, so I can actually see "DAM TO DAM 5K" on my calendar now every day. My friend Jenny said that she would run it with me, so it's official. I still need to register...THIS WEEK. It's less expensive if you register early so my goal is to get that done in the next day or 2. (just waiting for your call, Jenny!)

I had a few days of no running over the weekend, so my run today was just not fun at all. It was HARD. I did it, but it was on the verge of miserable. Plus, my phone had issues and temporarily died about 1/3 of the way into my run and so I had no music...and that was very very bad. I honestly did not know if I could keep running, but I PRAYED for strength and God gave it to me. And out of nowhere, my Pandora just started playing again after about 4 blocks of running with no music. I thought my phone had died. Weird...not sure what that was all about. He let me make it 1 mile, but I didn't do my mile and a half today...tomorrow I will. :)

I drank about 60 oz of water today. That was almost harder to do than running my mile! Ugh...I am just not a fan of water at all. I must say that it did prevent me from drinking even a single pop today! I did have my coffee this morning though...24 oz of it! Aside from the coffee (and several glasses of wine tonight...it was a LONG day!), water is all I drank today! Woohoo!

I made some super adorable treats (dipped Peeps!...I'll post pictures later.) for some friends who are bringing home their daughter from Africa on Friday! I plan to leave them a box of goodies at their home so they will have them upon their return. So happy for them!

I think we are going to buy a half beef this week. We eat SO MUCH beef that it seems that it would just make so much more sense financially to do that. We went to a meat market in our neighborhood that has been around for YEARS to buy our Easter ham (which was the best ham EVER!) and talked to the owner about pricing and what not. Anyway, it sounds like we may have a freezer full of beef in a few short weeks. :) Good thing we have a deep freeze!

I am uber excited to get our landscaping plans under way! We have some serious landscaping/yard work to do, but we love doing that and especially love the curb appeal it gives our home when it's complete! This house may be our biggest undertaking yet in regards to what needs to be done. I will have to take before and after pictures for sure.

I am feeling super accomplished tonight. Aside from 1 small load of laundry, we have all of our laundry done, I edited and sent out the pictures from my last shoot, I completed my May calendar, groceries are stocked, menu for the next couple of weeks is planned, dishes are done, I did my daily run, balanced the checkbook, drank my daily dose of water and even...wait for it, wait for it...shaved my legs! I know, I am going ALL OUT TODAY! :) And now I'm off to bed.

Here's to tomorrow being as productive as today was!


1 comment:

Candi said...

Wow... that WAS a productive day!! :) Ayla there & all... Today I hope to be "uber" productive!! See you soon! :)