Thursday, April 14, 2011

cake pops and sore muscles...

For as sore as I am, day 3 of my running/walking a little over a mile went well! I actually ran more than I walked and I could go significantly longer spurts of running before feeling like I was going to die, so that's good! :) And my walking time was much shorter between my running times. Anyway, I still have a LONG way to go before I can do an entire mile (and then more!) without having to walk. How ridiculous!

It's 2am and I am JUST getting ready to head to bed...that is after I blog. Priorities people! ;) I made a triple batch of cake balls tonight. They are being refrigerated over night and will be made into Cake Pops tomorrow. Lots of dipping will be happening as I made 206 cake balls! I think I'll keep 6 for Sean and Tate. So 200 will be sold at the Open House on Sunday. I am making a wide variety of decorations on's my favorite part! I have chocolate and yellow cake, but mostly chocolate. Hopefully I'll get pictures posted tomorrow of the completed Cake Pops! YAY!

I am off to take some Ibuprofin and head to bed.


sarak said...

cake balls sound heavenly...too bad I cant have them either!

chattycathy1408 said...

Cannot wait to see all of your cake pops. I know they are going to be amazing.