Friday, February 11, 2011

the way Tate thinks...

The other night while I was running Tate's bath water, he noticed that the knob for the hot water had red on it and the knob for the cold water had blue on it. This was our conversation...

Tate: Mommy, blue means cold and red means hot.

Me: That's right Tate.

Tate: I don't want my water to be too hot mommy.

Me: It won't. I'm mixing the cold and hot water so that it's just warm for your bath.

(After about 30 seconds of silence)

Tate: So then, does purple mean warm?

Me: (not quite getting what he means) What do you mean?

Tate: You know Mommy, blue and red make purple when you mix them, so since we mix the hot and cold water to make warm water, purple means warm!

Me: Well I guess you're right Tate! I bet if there was a warm knob, it would have purple on it.

Sometimes that brain of his impresses me so much!

1 comment:

Candi said...

Yup, he has quite the mind!!! Love you buddy!! :)