Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lani's Birthday Photo Shoot

This was prior to the makeup.
We did Lani's hair and took her outside for some pictures to celebrate her turning 7!
She is so gorgeous, I can hardly stand it!

And I could learn a lot from Lani's mommy.
She and Paul have done the most amazing job with all 3 of their kids...they are truly some of the most well behaved, sweetest kids in the world.

She should be as proud of a mommy as she looks in this picture!


Candi said...

It was a great day.... Burback's then a quick repreive and another friend party... so SWEET! The subjects were darling and Cassie made it through.... whew! Good job Jennie & Cassie too of course!!
Love ya girls,
Mom :)

Cara Hoherd said...

Beautiful!!!! What a fun idea for a party.