Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lani and her friends

Lani had her "friend" birthday party this afternoon.
We did hair, makeup and fingernails and then had a photo shoot.
These girls were EATING IT UP!
They LOVED it!

They are such gorgeous girls!!!

It was so much fun photographing them.
Following our little photo shoot, Cassie took them out to have appetizers.
We had the pictures developed in time for them to be ready when they were done with their appetizers. The girls got to bring several of the pictures home with them.
It was fun!


Candi said...

Fun is an understatement!!! : )

Cassie said...

thanks for the help!
lani was floating tonight. what a great first "friend party" for her. could NOT have done it without you and mom!!
whew...i'm going to BED.