Friday, October 15, 2010

Did you know...

...that Tate is better? Well he is...YAY!

...that I shopped at Aldi for our next 2 weeks worth of food for $47.00? I did, and I love Aldi!

...that Iowa plays Michigan tomorrow and is going to WHOOP UP? They are, and they will.

...that I am making chocolate peanut butter pie tomorrow? I am, and can't wait to eat it!

...that I am finally done editing my images from last weekend? I am, and I am excited!

...that when I was cutting paper today, Tate asked, "are you blogging?"? He did, and it was funny.

...that apparently I blog too much? See statement above, but I don't think I do. :)

...that I should be doing dishes, but instead I'm blogging? Well maybe I do blog too much. Oops!

...that Sean is working tonight and still plans to be at DeCook's by kickoff tomorrow? Yup, he's going to be tired, but he bleeds black and gold!

...that we get to watch Ayla Sunday through Tuesday this week? We do and we can't wait!

...that I hate ink cartridges because they are expensive and I go through them like I go through paper towels? I do and trust me, I go through a lot of paper towels (sorry to my paperless sister!).

...that when Tate took a bath tonight, he accidentally released the plug and said, "uh oh Mommy, I just flushed the bath tub!"? He did, and it was hilarious!

Alright, well now you know. :)


Cassie said...

this is not good.
if iowa plays wisconsin tomorrow, i'm in big trouble. because i have tickets to that game and family coming from all over and i leave at 630 am for colorado tomorrow.
i'm reeeaaallly hoping it's michigan they play!

do you refill your cartridges? way cheaper!

would you like me to make you some paperless towels and napkins? i will!

Jennie Peakin said...

LOL!!!! I am such a ditz! I KNEW they played Michigan tomorrow and when I read your comment, I was thinking, "why would she say that, I didn't say they played Wisconsin!" Then I looked and realized I did!!! I'm changing it. :)

Jennie Peakin said...

OH, and if you want to make me cloth napkins, GO FOR IT! I would LOVE them! :) I have a sewing machine now though and could probably do it myself.

AND, ya...I had totally forgotten about how cartridges can be refilled until after I bought a new one. Ugh.

Cassie said...

also...after i make your kitchen paperless, i can whip up some homemade deoderant, shampoo and detergent if you'd like.
just let me know!
i do have a 5 pound tub of organic coconut oil that needs to be used!

Jennie Peakin said...

Ummmmm...I'll pass on the deodorant and shampoo. I prefer to clog my armpit pores and have some lather in my hair when I wash it. :)

Cassie said...

ok. but remember you are clogging them with ALUMINUM. and that causes cancer.
just sayin'.


Jennie Peakin said...

Oh, I also microwave my food in plastic containers. I doomed.

Cassie said...

hope you're still alive when i get back from colorado.


Jennie Peakin said...

At the rate I'm going, I doubt I will be.

Good night!

Candi said...

This was quite an advertisement for going GREEN or organic or whatever...whew! : ) Cassie you are in flight by now... have FUN!! :) Jennie give Ayla lots of kisses for me Mon. & Tues. as I'm certain she is missing me! ;-)