Tuesday, June 03, 2008

A whole lotta nothing...

Not a whole lot to write about this evening. I am tired and can't believe it's only going to be Wednesday tomorrow! I feel like this week is DRAGGING! Ugh. We have been SO busy at work. I have gotten a headache every day for the last week. The rain gets me down...I just want to see some sun! I can't believe it's already June, I am afraid summer is going to fly by too quickly this year. I am drowning in a heap of dirty laundry. It seems that unless I spend an entire day doing laundry, it will never get done! I have been trying to chip away at it, but for some reason it feels like we dirty as much every day as we wash. It's a never ending battle...laundry is something I have never been to fond of or too good at doing. Okay, so enough of my whining...

I am off to bed! Hopefully I'll wake up on the right side of the bed tomorrow and have a more up beat post!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I totally understand the laundry complaints! I always leave this pile at the bottom of the hamper with all the clothes with the stains that I need to spot treat. I usually procrastinate about that little pile for quite a while before getting around to it! I don't really enjoy laundry either.