Sunday, June 15, 2008

Thoughts about my dad...

I remember when I was younger, I read somewhere that women tend to marry men that are like their fathers. I thought, I don't think that I am going to marry someone like my father. I will prove that statistic wrong. Not that I didn't love my father or think he was a great man. I did and DO! It's just that I was a teenager when I heard this and in my eyes, my dad wasn't "cool" like the type of guy I would have wanted to marry. He was my dad, he was, well...old. :) I was not the easiest teen either. I went through "a phase" of what many might call making "bad choices". My father was the one that was disciplining me and scolding me and I just was not going to marry a man like that! For gosh sakes, he should have let me do whatever I wanted, right?! :)

Well, fast forward several years. I still don't always make the right choices, I still may not be the easiest child in my parents' eyes, but I DO recognize now that my Dad is in fact, one of the "coolest" guys I know! I am so proud to call him my Dad. He is truly the hardest working man I know. He gives, gives, gives and then gives some more. He can tell a story better than anyone else. He will give a stranger the shirt off of his back. He can make the most serious person laugh until they pee their pants. He isn't the most vocal person when it comes to his emotions, but it doesn't matter...his caring, loving heart is something that speaks loudly through his actions, and actions definitely speak louder than words! Even when he doesn't agree with my choices, he is always a support to me...sometimes reluctantly :), but I know he will always be there for me no matter what. What girl wouldn't want to marry a man like this???

Turns out, Sean IS in fact a lot like my dad in many ways. The traits that Sean has that are like my dad's are the traits that I love most about him! Funny how things change in just a few years.

Thank you, Dad for being such an amazing father! Happy Father's Day! I love you!!!

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