This boy ADORES his Daddy! Whenever Tate is with Daddy, he is sure to be smiling, laughing and squeeling in delight. He can't contain his excitement when Sean walks in the door from work. He could just play on the couch with Sean for hours, or push cars in the hallway with him all day long. Tate knows, whenever Daddy is around, fun is to be had. Not only that, but Sean is often the one Tate runs to for comfort when he's hurt (or just being dramatic) or when he wants to be held. When Daddy is at work and the phone rings, Tate perks up and says, "Da Da!" It is so amazing to watch them see the love pouring out of both of them when they are together.
Sean, I couldn't have hand picked a better companion to be the father of my children! You jumped in whole heartedly from day 1 when we decided to be parents and Tate grew in your heart just as deeply as he grew in mine. You have never hesitated to do any of the "duties" involved in parenting (except that weird phase that you refused to feed Tate cereal) :) and have always given Tate a love that only a father can give! I cannot wait to witness the bond that you have with Tate grow as time goes on. I know that he will learn so many amazing things from you through the years (hopefully not any more of your dance moves though...just kidding! :)). You are such an amazing man and I am so happy that Tate has such a great, hard working, loving, devoted role model to call Daddy. We love you more than words could ever express!!!
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