Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Too many lists!

I didn't have time to get everything checked off of my list today, so several tasks got carried over onto my list for tomorrow. The problem with that is that I had tasks carried over from yesterday's list onto today's now, tomorrow's list is extremely long! We are leaving in the afternoon to head up to Nevada to celebrate Christmas with the Knutsons so I have a feeling that there will be some tasks from tomorrow's list carrying over to Thursday's list. UGH! At some point, I am going to have to complete my list! So, it's 12:30 a.m. and I am up trying to get some small items checked off of my list for tomorrow before I go to bed. I am tired, I don't feel good and I just want to go to sleep!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know the feeling.... today I am staying in to get as much done as I possibly can as I need to concentrate on Fl. trip preps too!!!!!!!!!! Don't worry about the foods. I have a yule log and I bet we end up with WAY too much stuff! You need to prioritize and take some pressure off yourself. What really HAS to be done and what won't really matter!! We want you jolly not POOPED!!