Sunday, November 18, 2007


It's dreary out today and I had high hopes to get a lot done. I seem to get more done when it's sunny outside. I didn't take a shower until 2:30 this afternoon and I napped when Tate napped even though I got a full night of sleep. I have a lengthy grocery list and about 7 stacks of laundry in the basement that need washed. And here I am...sitting on the computer. I don't want to run errands, but I need to if I want my child to have food to eat and clean diapers to be changed into! Ha. Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration, we have enough food and diapers to last him another day or so. I ate cheese for lunch and drank grape juice because there was nothing else that would be quick and easy to eat unless I wanted Tate's 'Baby Raviolis' which I did not! I have a bit of a tummy ache (which could be from the block of cheese I consumed for lunch!) and for some reason, I am STILL tired! It HAS to be the weather! Okay, I had better stop typing and start getting my errands taken care of.

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