Monday, October 09, 2006


Today (and these last 48 hours) has been the most emotional day of Sean and my life! I cannot even find the words to express what we're feeling. It has been a rollercoaster, but we are ecstatic to have our son home! We cannot stop stairing at's all so surreal! We are in love more than we ever knew possible! I don't have a lot of time to say a whole lot, but I wanted to post pictures. I'll write more in a few days! Thanks to everyone for all of the continued prayers! Please continue to pray for Maggie and Brandon, Tates birthparents! We are so grateful for them and are amazed beyond any words at their maturity and their selfless love for Tate. He is so blessed! Right now, Sean and I feel like we are the luckiest people alive! Posted by Picasa


Cassie said...

MAN...he is SO CUTE! i'm not sure i can wait until this weekend to see him again....

Jennie Peakin said...

I know he would be excited to see is Aunt Cassie whenever you're available! I should be's almost 3 a.m and Sean and Tate are out sleeping in the livingroom, I have a quite bedroom, and empty bed and time to sleep, but all I want to do is look at Tate! I am going to be delirious in a day or two if I'm not careful!

Chris/Stew; Brenda said...

I can't stop looking at his pics, he is so cute! I want to be holding him right now! I'll hopefully see you after work tonight. Get some sleep if you can.