Sunday, November 18, 2012

a stomach bug

I think I jinxed myself when I made mention a couple of months ago about Tate having never had the stomach flu. Darn it. He is SICK...unfortunately our thermometer is out of batteries so I don't know what his temp is running, but it is HIGH...he is scorching hot! He was up throwing up last night from midnight until about 3am. He is still running a high fever this morning and says his stomach hurts.
He threw up so much last night that he broke blook vessels by his eyes!

I have a feeling this is where he'll be staying all day.
 And he is beyond disappointed that he is missing Kiley and Brady's birthday party.  I feel so bad for him when he's sick.  He's always so pathetic because it happens so rarely that he gets sick!

Now I'm just hoping no one else in the family gets it!

1 comment:

Sarah Peakin said...

Poor guy...we hope he is feeling better and than no one else gets it!! I always hold my breath when one kid gets sick!