Friday, December 16, 2011

Chaos Ensued...

So our lives changed today. It is so good. From about 10:30am on, the day was out of control. Oh how I wish I could disclose details!

I think I have made the decision to make this blog private for the time being. Please email me at japeakin at hotmail dot com to request to be an "invited reader". The blog will not always be private, but it could stay private for several months. I write this blog as a documentation of our lives and I just can't see leaving certain things out and then not being able to look back on what we were truly doing at this point in our lives. I need to document it. I hope you all can understand this.

I will leave it open through Christmas, but will make it private after the holidays.

1 comment:

Candi said...

Send me how to get on your private blog, Jennie!!
Mom :}