Sunday, October 16, 2011

Iowa vs. Northwestern Game

We had SUCH a fantastic time tailgating before the Iowa vs. Northwestern game! We didn't have tickets, but before we were even out of our car from parking at our tailgating spot, Paul came up to the window and said, "these people next to us have 2 tickets for sale." YAY! So we bought our tickets and they were cheap! We were so excited! We were afraid because of what game it was, we would have to pay more than usual. We were thrilled to not have had to.

We tailgated all day long. We got there in the morning and the game didn't start until 6pm.

Here was our crew...

We played a Bag-O tournament...

Luke told stories...

We got time with our spouses WITHOUT the kids...glorious!

And there was a flabongo...oh yes, there was...

The Burback kids...

There was LOTS of laughing...LOTS...

The Burback Sisters...

Luke told more stories...

There was more laughing...

Paul with his brothers-in-law...

There was more laughing...

Luke told some more stories...

And no, I didn't marry a 21 year old. He just thought he was. He was kind of a flabongo professional which baffles me as I've never seen him do one before Saturday!

And then there was the game.


The card stunts were amazing, the striped stadium was so cool to see, the night game atmosphere was exciting and the WIN was the best part!!!

I love being a Hawkeye!


Cassie said...


Lisa Borglum said...

You take such amazing pictures, Jennie. I am so glad it worked out for you and Sean to come with us this time - we had a blast with you guys! Thanks again for everything!!