Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Feeling good...

Our first homestudy visit went swimmingly! I don't feel that it could have gone better. We are so excited (and nervous!) for this next stage!

My house is still clean and I am relieved that our evening is over AND I have a neighbor and her son coming over for coffee tomorrow morning. It'll be nice to chat with someone and get to know another one of my neighbors.

We are falling more and more in love with our neighborhood every day!

I will post pictures either later tonight or tomorrow from Tate's 'unofficial' first day of preschool. It was a "Welcome to Preschool" day where the parents attended with the kids and it was only an hour long. Tate did great...for the most part. He was a little overly excited and it showed when he jumped up to point out that there was a fly on the book Mrs. Christiansen was reading while all the other kids sat quietly listening to the book. And then again it showed when he had trouble staying seated during snack time, but he listened well both times when he was asked to sit back down. Oh my, he cannot wait for Monday when he officially starts!

1 comment:

Farm-Raised said...

Was thinking of you!! So glad to hear it went well!!