Monday, June 06, 2011

whirlwind of a weekend...

I cannot even believe the whirlwind that was this weekend.

Wowzers, it was BUSY and FUN!

For a quick rundown, this is what I did...

Friday morning...Niabi Zoo

Friday afternoon...drove to Des Moines

Friday evening...stopped by my old office to see some old coworkers

Friday evening...Went out for dinner and drinks with my friend Jenny

Friday night...hung out with Jenny and her family and some friends and then stayed the night at her house

Saturday morning...woke up fairly early to get ready and head to downtown Des Moines for my first 5K, the Dam to Dam

Saturday morning...started the Dam to Dam at 10am...completed it in 44:47 (I ran ALMOST the whole thing and then I had to stop to pee...darn bladder!). My goal was to do it in less than 45 minutes and I DID!!!! Woohoo!

Saturday afternoon...arrived at my friends the Poley's to celebrate their son Stone's 1st birthday and then hang out for the evening and night. Had a great time until the wee hours...ugh.

Sunday morning...slept in and then got ready for a busy day of 3 photo shoots and another birthday party.

Sunday out of Des Moines around 5:30pm to head home after a fun-filled weekend!

Sunday night...after picking Tate up at Mike and Sarah's, we walked into the house around 9:30pm...FINALLY HOME!

Okay, now the weekend in pictures...

Ayla wanted a picture by the Owl sign because she was telling me how much her mommy loves owls. :)

When we went to look at the lions, there was a big snake on the fence. It was funny, more people were looking at the snake than the lions!

The train ride was the biggest hit of everything I think...

The birthday boy, Stone eating his malt...

He was TIRED following all of the festivities...

He was good as new after a short nap though!

Lots of golf cart riding was happening...

It was a great weekend away and also jam packed full visiting so many people who I love and don't get to see often enough!

And I still cannot believe I ran a 5K. A year ago, I would have laughed, like hysterically laughed if anyone would have told me I'd be running a 5K this weekend. I didn't have a fantastic time, but I didn't really expect to have a fantastic time. I set a realistic goal and met it, so I am proud of that. Now, I will work to get a better time next time...and yes, there WILL be a next time!

1 comment:

JamieLynne said...

Congratulations on the 5K. It is a big accomplishment and it sounds like you did awesome!