Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Maybe I should be living in the moment...

...but right now, there are just several things that I happen to be looking forward to.

Lora and my trip to Florida at the end of March.
Oh my goodness, I cannot wait to be staying at my parents place and be able to relax and do whatever we want.

Is it weird that I am excited for this movie?
I just think it looks so cute and can see Tate really enjoying it!

This is where Sean will be working at when he starts his new job on Friday...Trinity Medical Center in Rock Island! We are so excited for this new job for him and the fact that he will no longer have to commute 45 minutes to work.

We are taking a trip to IKEA with the DeCooks in a few weeks. Lora and I will spend the day there while the boys do their own thing. It should be nice to actually be able to take my time with looking and shopping. Whenever I've gone to IKEA with Sean, he is just dying to leave, so I don't get to leisurely look around like I would like to.

Spring...'nuff said.
Photo sessions!
I am itching to take some photos. Winter is definitely "downtime" for natural light photography. Most people don't really want family pictures or pictures of their kids out in the snow. So unless there is an infant session to do, photography sessions don't happen much.

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