Sunday, December 12, 2010

a post dedicated to Lora for her birthday!

I don't have LOTS of good friends, I have a few AMAZING friends.
I wouldn't change that for anything.

I think it's such an indescribable blessing to have a truly amazing friend. I have been blessed with more than one. There is a connection I have with Lora that is like nothing that I can describe adequately in words, but I am going to try. :)

She is someone I can trust no matter what.
She is beautiful inside and out.
I can tell her anything humiliating or embarrassing I've done, am doing or think I might do and know, without a doubt that she will not judge me and will love me just the same.
I can always count on her to be honest with me...I never wonder how she's feeling because she wears her emotions on her sleeve.
When I need someone anytime of the day, I know I can call her, or stop by her house and she will be a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on.
She listens intently and really cares about what I am saying.
We cares about the same things.
We laugh at the same things.
We get annoyed about the same things.
We understand each other.
We can tell what the other is thinking with just a look.
She brings me back to God when I have pushed Him away in a moment of selfishness or weakness.
Though we may not always agree, we respect each others thoughts and feelings.
She is more than a friend to me.

Tonight, we celebrated Lora with a surprise birthday party James (her husband) put on for her.
We had a "redo" of her 30th Birthday.
It was fun.
She was totally surprised.

We ate food, drank, ate cake, she opened presents and we all just hung out and had a fun night.

Ava and Chloe even joined in on the party at the beginning of the night!

Lora is very loved by so many people.

And technically, Lora IS still 30...for a couple more days at least!

Happy Birthday, Lora.
I hope you always know how much you have blessed my life with your friendship!
I love you!

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