Monday, May 03, 2010

Heading Home

I am heading home in the morning tomorrow. It's bitter sweet...I miss Tate and Sean terribly and cannot wait to wrap my arms around both of them! However, I have loved this time I've had to relax down here and also will miss Boone, Bode, Chris and Brenda terribly. I wish they lived in Iowa. It will be great to see them in about 8 weeks again, but I know that Boone will have changed so much!

It's been such a fun trip though. We've fit in a lot of things in the short week here. Mom and I spent hours laughing and chatting. We hung out by the pool a couple of days and I managed to get a burn. Surprise, surprise. We did a lot of shopping and had a lot of fabulous food. I look forward to coming back with Sean and Tate at the end of the summer!

And thank you to Cassie and her family and Nana and Papa P for taking care of Tate while I was gone and Sean worked! We really appreciate it!!!

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