Sunday, January 24, 2010

The weekend...

I haven't felt well all weekend. I have a headache I can't shake. I left work a couple of hours early on Friday with a pounding headache and I've only started feeling worse as the weekend went on. I did manage to fight through it to get some of the items checked off of my list. We ran a few errands on Saturday after I woke up from a nap and had a little energy. I managed to get 1 load of laundry done today, Sean did the dishes, I set aside some clothes that I'll be giving to Goodwill, made dinner (the recipe will be on my recipe blog sometime this week), paid some bills and Sean and I even played Rummikub. I am trying to push away feeling sick, but I just can't. I started feeling feverish this afternoon and I am just hoping I start to feel better by tomorrow so I can make it to work.

In some other random news, Tate has recently developed a deep love of steamed broccoli and cauliflower. We've had it a few times over the last week or two and he can't get enough of it. :) I know, I know...our lives are so exciting. However, we are hoping that soon there will be some very exciting news we will be able to announce in regards to Sean's job hunt! :) He was contacted this weekend in response to a job he applied for and we are extremely excited about the possibility of something panning out with it. I am not going to give specific details at this time, but as soon as we know anything, I promise I will let you all know too! We will see!!!!

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