There are lots of times when Tate does something or something happens when I think, "I WISH I had my camera to capture that!!!" I had one of those moments this weekend. Even my video camera would have worked. I'll admit, sometimes I will prepare Tate for getting together with someone. I'll say, "okay buddy, we're going to see so and so...don't forget to give her a hug and kiss when you see her!" On Saturday though, I didn't prepare him. In fact, I never have to prepare him to see Brandon. I know I say it all the time, but the connection Tate has with Brandon is unbelievable! When Brandon walked in the door, Tate pushed his way through the crowd of us standing in the entryway and faster than we could say, "look who's here Tate!" and hugged his legs and then reached up for him to pick him up and then laid a kiss right on his mouth. It was the sweetest thing and one of those moments when I wished I had my camera. I didn't...but I'll never forget that moment. I have that picture in my mind that I'll never be able to erase. SO. SPECIAL! There are no words for how special this relationship is between these two.
I wish you could have seen Tate's face in this picture. He was beaming!
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