Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nose Picker

The other day while Tate was sitting in his carseat, I turned around in the car and noticed he was picking his nose...this is the converstation that was had:

Me: Tate, stop picking your nose!

Tate: (with his finger DEEP in his nose) I almost got it, Mommy!

Me: Tate, that's yucky, stop picking your nose.

Tate: (he pulls his finger out with "the prize" sticking to the end of it) See Mommy, I got it.

Before I had time to say anything...

Tate: (Tate flicks it onto the floor and appears to be very proud for doing so) See Mommy, I throw it on the floor now!

I have no idea where he learned this. Gross.


Chris/Stew; Brenda said...

I MIGHT have an idea. We are just happy that it doesn't go in his mouth! "Pick" your battles!

Mom said...

You got one thing right.... GROSS!!!!!!!! I could live without this conversation! YUCK!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Funny. We have a nose picker too. I am constantly saying "don't pick your nose." The concept of a kleenex is completely foreign to him!

The Morris Family Blogs said...

LOL!! Gross but funny!