Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Cake

I have made 3 cakes with fondant in the last year. I think my first one was the best. Then, my second was more simple, so it turned out okay. This most recent one was Tate's 3rd Birthday cake this weekend. It's actually kind of embarrassing. It's supposed to be a burning building with Spiderman climbing on it. I did a layer cake and did blue and red layers like the Spiderman colors. The building ended up being almost the same height as Spiderman and looks kind of like a spaceship. Oh well, Tate seemed to be impressed with it so that's all that matters.


Gretchen said...

Great cake!!!! I totally thought it was a building looking at it. Love the colors inside! Good job. :)

sarak said...

Wow Jennie! Now I know where to get my birthday cakes! Jennie Peakin the Cake Baker! Sorry we missed the party. Sounds like it was fun!

JamieLynne said...

Yah Jennie, I think you could have totally did better.. NOT!! Gees, I bought a cake from Hyvee and it wasn't even half as neat as this. I am seriously impressed.