Saturday, June 20, 2009


A couple of years ago, Sean and I did some landscaping. As most of you all know, we rent a duplex currently and before we sold our home to move to Des Moines while Sean completed school, we LOVED doing landscaping things. We had tons of plants and every year would make everything look nice again. Though this home is not "our own", it is still "our home". We know that our landscaping isn't going to benefit us financially in the long run, but we enjoy it and like the outside of our home looking nice.

Well, we were thrilled with the results once the work we did was completed, but for some reason last year, we didn't keep it up. I don't know if it was just the busy lifestyle we had between Sean working full time and going to school or the fact that we had a busy 18 month old instead of a non mobile 6 month old when we originally did the landscaping. Either way, we definitely have neglected the outside of our house. I think if we left and entered our house from the front door each day, we would maybe take better care of it, but we only use the back door, so we can just forget about the front know, out of sight, out of mind!

The plants are happy, but so are the weeds!

Wowzers...the weeds are SUPER happy here!

and I can't believe I'm even posting this...

And just so you all know, these ARE NOT our gutters, but they are our neighbor's who lives in the other side of our duplex. Seriously, these are BAD! The good neighbors we are, we have added his gutters to our list of things to do...

I had better head back outside to continue working on all of this stuff. I will post "AFTER" pictures later tonight. :)


sarak said...

ohh you are so motivated! Come do ours tomorrow:)

Gretchen said...

Can't wait to see the after shots.