Sunday, May 03, 2009

I scream, you scream...

We all scream for ICE CREAM!

There's something about warm weather that makes me want DQ! This may be common for most, but not for me. I've never been a big ice cream eater. I never used to like it as a child, but sometimes I just crave it. Last night was one of those times. We were ALL craving it! It was DEEE-LISH! After eating our ice cream outside on the benches at DQ, we went for a drive and ended up at Chris and Brenda's. We put Tate to bed in their bed and stayed there until 2:30 in the morning! We played Cribbage and Catch Phrase and just hung out. It was a good time, but we were dragging this morning. Well, Tate wasn't, but Daddy and Mommy were!

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