We went to Nana and Papa P's house in Colo Saturday and stayed the night. We had a great time enjoying the nice (but windy!) weather while playing outside. We had a delicious steak dinner and just hung out and played Apples to Apples after Tate went to bed. It's amazing that it was so nice yesterday and we woke up to snow and blizzard like conditions. We went out for a yummy breakfast and then left. The drive home wasn't the most fun, but we made it home safely. We ate a bag of popcorn for lunch and are just staying warm and cozy inside today. We watched Madagascar 2 and now Sean and Tate are just playing downstairs while I blog. Thank you Pat and Linda for a great day and night and ALL your generosity! Tate is so blessed to have you for a Nana and Papa and loves coming to visit you! And I'd say we're pretty blessed too!!! :)
These pictures of Tate are some of my favorite yet. Oh those blue eyes of his just pierce right through me! I love the new header picture. I have a feeling this new blog look will be sticking around for a while...I can't imagine not wanting to open my blog and see that face staring back at me!
awesome picture!
Very very CUTE!!!!!!!!!! :)
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