Just a few requests:
For Tate to make it through the morning without any food/drink. His surgery is at noon, so he'll be so hungry and thirsty I am sure.
For Tate to feel comfort when going back to surgery because he's with a familiar face. Thanks Erin for being his nurse!
For my nerves...seriously, I am not good with things like this. I just want to feel calm.
For the doctors and nurses who will be caring for Tate
For an uneventful surgery
For Tate to have a comfortable night in the hospital (and as a bonus, it would be nice if Mommy and Daddy had a semi comfortable night in the hospital as well)
Poor baby...he has no idea what the next 24 hours holds.
For Tate to make it through the morning without any food/drink. His surgery is at noon, so he'll be so hungry and thirsty I am sure.
For Tate to feel comfort when going back to surgery because he's with a familiar face. Thanks Erin for being his nurse!
For my nerves...seriously, I am not good with things like this. I just want to feel calm.
For the doctors and nurses who will be caring for Tate
For an uneventful surgery
For Tate to have a comfortable night in the hospital (and as a bonus, it would be nice if Mommy and Daddy had a semi comfortable night in the hospital as well)
God, I pray for Tate tonight. He has a big day tomorrow. I pray that you would protect him, guide the surgeon's hands, and help him to have an easy and uneventful recovery. I pray that this will ultimately help in all of his breathing, sleeping and other issues that these tonsils are causing.
And I pray for Sean and Jennie, that they would feel your calm hand on them. Help them all to get get rest tonight.
thinking about you and praying for you this morning.
last night as i put the kids to bed, i told them they might want to pray a special prayer for tater and you guys. lani came out about 5 minutes later and said, "Mommy, I just finished praying for Tate." sweet.
keep us posted!!!!!!!!!!
love you all!
Oh yes... I will be and have been praying for you all... God bless and keep you in His care!!
Love & many more prayers,
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