Saturday, November 22, 2008

We're lovin' the new bed...

Tate DID get out of his bed today a while after I layed him down for his nap. He got out about 20 minutes after I layed him down when he still hadn't gone to sleep. When I heard him and went into his room I realized he had a poopy diaper. When he saw me walk into his room, he had a look of fear in his eyes and he darted back into his bed SO FAST! We gave him a talk last night saying he wasn't to get out of his bed and he knows that he shouldn't do that. After I changed him, I explained again that he was NOT to get out of his bed to play. He crawled into bed, said, "Tate seep" (aka Tate sleep) and covered up and a few minutes later he was snoring away. Now, 3 hours later, he is STILL snoring in there. I think he likes his new bed! And so do we! :) Here's to another good night in his new big boy bed!

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