Monday, July 28, 2008

The end of the weekend...

The rest of the weekend was just spent enjoying each other's company! Lora and I thoroughly enjoyed a girls day on Sunday. We went to church and then PF Changs for lunch. We didn't have to wipe faces, dig in diaper bags, pause deep conversations to take care of a little one, cut up food, scoot all of our drinks and food to the side so little hands couldn't reach it, or rush because our kids were antsy. Oh no...we took our sweet time, talked about all kinds of adult things and had food spread all over the table. We even got dessert and coffee...after all, we were in NO rush and it felt great! From lunch, we headed to Barnes and Noble and took our time looking at books and chatting about everything on our minds. We both bought Blue Like Jazz which we are really looking forward to reading and discussing. Thanks Cassie for the recommendation! I couldn't have asked for a better day, it was nice to get away from all of the kid stuff for a brief time! It helps when this time away from kids is spent with someone you are truly comfortable with and love and someone that conversation is meaningful and flows easily with. It was something I didn't even realize I desperately needed! Thank you, Lora for being such an amazing friend!

When we got home, we were informed by our husbands that they were surprised we were home so early! We had been gone for about 4 hours, but since they felt that way...we left again! :) We headed up to Family Christian Book Store in Ankeny and looked around for about 15 minutes before the tornado sirens started going off. Oops...maybe we should have checked the weather! We decided to head back home and got home in one piece...we were a bit nervous though. We watched the weather for a while and then the guys went and got KFC. We ate and it was time for the DeCooks to leave. :( We were sad. It was such a special weekend and we look forward to more. With the busy school year starting again, we know it may be a while before we can all get together again! Thanks DeCooks for coming and visiting!

These two love each other!

Ava and Mommy

This picture is a sure sign that we need to be teaching Tate the difference between appropriate and inappropriate...he's a boy, he couldn't resist!

The kids brushing before bed.

The Daddys took the kids to the park while Lora and I had our girls day on Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of darling pictures... CUTE CUTE kids!! :- )