Sunday, May 11, 2008

Too Cool!

This nest is right in front of Sean's parent's front is so cool! You would think I had never seen a bird's nest before by the way I am so in awe of this! I guess I have just never seen one so up close and been able to see how perfectly formed the nest was and how beautiful the robin's eggs were! Tate and I were equally amazed, (only this really IS the first time Tate has seen such a sight, making him less of a freak than I!) and we could hardly keep Tate's hands off of the eggs. Although, I think he wanted to throw them because they look like "baws!" (balls). I hope I get to see the little baby birds when they hatch!


Cassie said...

really, that looks fake.

Anonymous said...

SO perfect, so beautiful!! Hope Tate gets to see the birdies after they hatch.... :-)