Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Well these last 3 years have been quite the ride! My life has been so much more than I ever expected it could be since you came into my life. The day I met you, I knew that you were like no one I had ever met. A short couple of weeks later, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You make me a better person. You challenge me and give me strength when I feel I have none.

It's been only 3 years and what a journey it has been! We looked forward to starting a family right after we married and you stood by my side and were the best support I could have asked for when things didn't go as planned. You kept me positive and dealt with my mood swings through many fertility treatments. You still loved me when I was probably not the most loving towards you. You jumped on board when the topic of adoption came up and put your heart and soul into it as not many men would do! You were genuinely excited and that made me fall more in love with you!

We have traveled to Florida many times, played many games of cribbage late at night, attended several Hawkeye games, talked until the wee hours, gone on drives for no reason, taken weekend trips to see family, moved 4 times, changed jobs, and started a family and I have fallen deeper in love with you every step of the way. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us. I cannot wait to grow old and gray with you, to watch our kids grow and become adults, to go on this journey with you as you start a new career and to love you unconditionally all along the way.

You are the most amazing father to Tate and the most amazing husband to me!

You make me laugh when I am sad, strong when I am weak, look up when I am down and you make me a better person. I love you with all my heart! Happy Anniversary Sean!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary kids!! 3 full years of many changes.... you have just begun!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Very sweet! congratulations. I feel like it was just yesterday that we were at your wedding!

sarak said...

Happy Anniversary!
We love you guys:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, the first two pictures are so cute. Not that you look old now, but you look young in the first two pictures. When I look back at that time and pictures of Ryan and I, I think the same thing. Are we always going to feel like we look young when it has only been maybe say....5 years?! Crazy. I love you guys. Jennie I love you! I hope you got my messages. Congratulations! I hope you had a beautiful anniversary!