We have been making plans for his big 1st Birthday Bash these last few days which has been fun. Although, for some reason I am not super excited for him to turn one! He is still supposed to be my little baby! :( I am sure I will get over it.
Tate is learning to do new things every day and is becoming a bit more mobile, although, he still does not show interest in crawling. He would rather roll around or do his little army scoot. For the first time yesterday, Sean went in to get Tate from his nap and he was sitting up in his crib. Before that, he's never been able to get himself in the sitting position from the laying down position. Also, Tate can pull himself up to his knees on things. He has gotten close to getting up to his feet, but not fully gotten there yet. Another thing he's starting to learn is to feed his bottle to himself. He doesn't do it all of the time, but he does it usually for the first half of his bottle and has a couple of times fed himself the entire bottle. We're also working on the sippy cup. He's getting the hang of it, but still prefers the bottle. We hope to have him completely off of the bottle by the time he's one. We'll see how that goes! :) Here are a few pictures from the last couple of days!
Grandma and Grandpa Shingledecker got Tate a play cell phone and it has become his absolute FAVORITE toy! He wants to hold it and play with it all of the time!
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