Thursday, August 09, 2007


I remember when I used to hate being home. Being home to me, meant being "bored"...nothing exciting was going on. I think I got this from my dad. :) I always preferred to be doing something with friends or family, vacationing (well, I still think that is my favorite thing to do!), hanging out for the evening at someone's house, going away for the weekend, out shopping or even just out to lunch or dinner. Now, probably since Tate came into our lives, I love being home. I do get cabin fever during the days when I am home all day for several days in a row, but once Sean is home and our family is together, I love it!
I still love going away for the weekends, but now it just feels really good to get home after those trips. I used to never want to come home, I wished those weekend trips would never end. I think I feel this way now because Tate makes sure that I am never "bored"! :) Since Tate came into our lives, we seem to always have something to do, even if it's just watching him play and learn. I think that we will be entertained by Tate for the rest of our lives. I love it! I love just being a family and not "doing" anything. This is new for me, so I still have my moments when I wish we were "doing" something, but those moments are much fewer than they once were and I am starting to like it!


Anonymous said...

I can totally relate! I couldn't have said it any better. I wish my days home with Ava weren't coming to an end though. It has been so much fun watching her grow and learn! We are truly blessed!!!
Miss you guys! Ava says give Tate a big hug and kiss- Please!

Love lots,

Gretchen said...

I totally agree! You said it perfectly.